Nations Roofing & Construction LLC

Call Or Text For A Free Estimate 813-485-4440


Insurance Claims

A roofing contractor who is experienced with insurance claims can guide you through the claims process and remove many of the headaches for you. 

Rainy season in Florida brings mold and mildew and possible moisture damage.

Get your roof fixed before any of these become a bigger issue.

Call Nations Roofing & Construction at 813-485-4440 to schedule a free estimate for your roof repair. 

The Insurance Claim Process for a Damaged Roof


We work with you and your insurance company to come up with the very best solution to repair or replace your roof

Step #1

Free Inspection by Nations Roofing & Construction’s Insurance Claim Professional

The first step of the insurance claim process is for Nations to do a comprehensive inspection that doesn’t cost you anything. During the inspection we are looking to see whether or not you have a legitimate claim to file with your insurance carrier. If storm or wind damage is not present at the time of our inspection we will let you know so that your time and your insurance carrier's time is not wasted. 

Step #2

Complete the Paperwork

At the time of our inspection, if we find legitimate damage to make a claim you need to fill out the proper paperwork in order to give us the ability to work for you. The paperwork will give us the ability to serve as your building & roofing contractor so that we can provide all the proper information to you and your insurance carrier. This will include all measurements, inspection details, photos, estimates, & damage report so that you can get everything you deserve to get your home back to original condition.

Step #3

File the Claim with Insurance Carrier

Once everything above is completed, it is time to file the claim with your insurance carrier.

Step #4

The Field Adjuster Onsite Inspection

We will meet with a representative from your insurance carrier at your property at a pre-scheduled time. We will be present during their entire onsite inspection. We will provide all information needed to assist the adjuster in making sure you are reimbursed for everything that is damaged.

Step #5

The Field Adjuster Submits All Documents to the Insurance Carrier Office

Your insurance carrier’s field adjuster will submit everything to the desk adjuster in their office with in a week. Proximally a week or two from that date you should receive your paperwork from your insurance carrier. We will want to review all paperwork so that we can make sure that no mistakes are made and all local code upgrades are included in your payment estimate breakdown.

Step #6

Pull Permits and Complete the Project

Once we are in agreement with your carrier that you have gotten everything to complete the project that you deserve, we will proceed with the install process. This will start with pulling all proper building permits needed to complete your project on time and to your satisfaction.

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